Display Ads: 4 p.m. on the Thursday prior to publication date; in the event of a long weekend (Friday or Monday stat), the deadline will be moved to 4 p.m. Wednesday.
Classified Ads: 12 noon on the Friday prior to publication date; in the event of a long weekend (Friday or Monday stat), the deadline will be moved to noon Thursday).
News: 4 p.m. on the Friday prior to publication date - 4 p.m. Thursday on long weekends.
Please note that ad dimensions are fixed; height and width cannot be interchanged.
For irregular-sized ads, cost will be figured according to column width and number of rows. Please call for pricing.
Please check out our ad submission guidelines before submitting your ads
At the Community Voice, we are often asked to insert graphics (company logos, images of products, etc) into our clients' ads. When these graphics are provided by the client, they are often submitted on business cards, letterhead, or from other newspaper ads; in order to be utilized, these graphics must be scanned, and as a result, there is ALWAYS a loss of quality to a greater or lesser degree, regardless of the quality of the original.
Our production department uses the following design programs:
- Adobe Illustrator (Version CS6)
- Adobe Indesign (Version CS6)
- Adobe Photoshop (Version 7)
- Adobe Acrobat (Version 5)
- Microsoft Publisher 2016
- Microsoft Word 2016
We can accept any graphics created by these programs, in their native file formats. If you do not have access to any of these programs, we prefer submitted graphics to be in .EPS (Encapsulated Post-Script) or .TIF (Tagged Image File Format). Both file formats import well, and can be resized without much loss of quality
Although we can also accept JPG, GIF and WMF formats; please note that there may be some loss of quality if the graphic needs to be resized.
If a PDF file is submitted, please note that our editing options may be extremely limited (PDF files usually aren't meant to be changed).
If you must submit a graphic in JPG, GIF or WMF format, please submit the largest-sized file possible; if we must resize, there is less quality loss if the file is reduced (or 'sized down') than if the graphic needs to be enlarged.
If you do not have an electronic version of your logo, it is likely that your printer or ad design company will; please contact them, and ask them for a copy of the file.
Although we are able to accept ads in Microsoft Word (.doc) format,we cannot guarantee the quality of the reproduced ad. If you have no choice but to submit your ad in this format, please ensure that all fonts and graphics are embedded within the document before you forward it to us! Ads created in MS Word may not conform to the correct dimensions.
If you have no choice but to submit a paper copy of your logo/graphics, please be aware that the quality of the graphics will degrade during the production process! This is an unavoidable and unfortunate fact that is completely beyond our control. We cannot guarantee the quality of such graphics when they are published.

Please understand that we cannot, under any circumstances, scan a faxed copy of any graphic; the initial quality of faxed graphics is extremely poor, and scanning will only worsen the quality.
We do try as hard as we can to produce graphics of the best quality; however, we can only work with what we are given. Although we use commercial-scale graphics programs, there are still limitations; these programs cannot create a 'perfect-quality' graphic from a less-than-perfect original.
Any photos that are emailed to us should be in .JPG format – virtually all graphics programs are capable of saving/exporting photos in this format. Please note that we do not use photo-sharing software (e.g. Kodak Photo-Share). Pictures that are sent to us using such software cannot be extracted from the email, and are therefore unusable.
If a specific typeface (font) is required, please provide a copy; if we do not have a particular font, and it cannot be provided by you, we will substitute (with the closest possible match). If graphics files are not provided, we will also substitute those. If specific graphics are required, please ensure that copies are forwarded to us.
All graphics files can be emailed to us at, or by providing a USB stick or CD to your sales agent.
If you choose to email graphics or photos, please ATTACH them as separate files - do not EMBED them in the email. We are able to extract attachments; embedded files (those that can be viewed when the email is opened) cannot be extracted or edited by us. If the graphics cannot be extracted, we cannot use them.
Please note that we cannot accept any file formats other than those outlined - we do not have the capacity to open them.
If color is required in your ad, please ensure that the ad is sent in CMYK color format (we do not accept RGB format), or specify the Pantone Matching System (PMS) color profiles (if PMS color is required, there will be an additional charge).
Please ensure that any camera-ready ads conform to the proper height and width requirements. If your ad does not match any of our standard sizes, we will have to resize (reduce or enlarge) the ad to fit our column size.
If you are unsure about any of these guidelines, or have any questions, please contact our office at (780) 962-9228. Our production staff will be happy to assist you.