Submit a Classified
Please feel free to submit your classified ad(s) through this electronic form. Please read the following conditions before you submit.
- Classifieds must be paid in advance (before publication). You may submit your credit card information through this form, fax it to our office at (780) 962-1021, or call us with the details. If you are paying by cheque or cash, you may drop the payment off at one of our dropoff depots, or bring it directly to our office.
- Our classified rates are as follows: First insertion - $7.00 for the first twenty words, and 20 cents for each additional word. Second insertion - $3.50 for the first twenty words, and 20 cents for each additional word per week.
- Classifieds not received by the deadline will be held until the next issue date. For a list of our publication dates, please click here
- If you wish to include a photo with your ad, please email the photo to us - include your name, phone number and classified details in the email. Please note that the photo will be resized proportionally to a 1-column width (1.66"), and will be converted to greyscale (we cannot run color classified pictures).
- Our classified rates include GST.
- Fields in blue are required entries.
- Before any classifed ads are run, we will contact you with the cost of the ad.
If you have any questions, please call our office at (780) 962-9228.